8/14/16 @ 6:07pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,562
adrenalin, akin, Aladdin, Allin, aspirin, assassin, backspin, bacteriotoxin, (basin,) bearskin, Bedouin, begin, Benjamin, Berlin, bin, blackfin, blin, bobbin, bodkin, Bodmin, boffin, Borodin, breadbin, breastpin, brin, Brooklyn, buckskin, bufotoxin, Bullskin, bumpkin, cabin, calfskin, capeskin, Carabin, chagrin, chin, cleanskin, clothespin, coffin, Colin, coonskin, (cousin,) Dickin, din, discipline, dobbin, dolphin, Dublin, duckpin, Dunedin, dustbin, elfin, endorphin, Erin, fin, Finn, Flin, foreskin, formalin, Franklin, Galerkin, gherkin, gin, Ginn, goblin, Graymalkin, gremlin, griffin, grin, hairpin, Harlin, hatpin, headpin, Heekin, hemoglobin, herein, histamin, in, inn, insulin, Jasmin, javelin, Jinn, kaolin, keratin, kin, kingpin, Kremlin, lanolin, larrikin, lecithin, Lenin, linchpin, login, lupin, Lynn, Lynne, mandarin, mandolin, mannequin, margin, marlin, maudlin, melanin, Merlin, moccasin, moleskin, muezzin, muffin, multivitamin, munchkin, muslin, napkin, niacin, Nicotin, Odin, oilskin, origin, Palin, pangolin, pannikin, paraffin, Pekin, penicillin, pigskin, pin, plug-in, poplin, provitamin, Prynne, puffin, pumpkin, Pushkin, Quentin, quin, Quinn, ragamuffin, ramekin, Rasputin, redskin, Repin, resin, Rin, robin, Rumpelstiltskin, saccharin, Schwinn, shaolin, sharkfin, sharkskin, sheepskin, shin, sin, skin, snakeskin, spin, Stalin, subdiscipline, syn, tailspin, tambourin, tannin, terrapin, theremin, thin, thoroughpin, tin, toxin, twin, underpin, unpin, urchin, vanillin, vermin, vin, violin, virgin, vitamin, wherein, win, winne, within, yin, zeppelin, zin, Zinn
The current rhyming word is 'dog'. These words have already been posted :
agog, bog, catalogue, clog, dialogue, dog, eggnog, flog, fog, frog, grog, hog Quote
8/15/16 @ 11:28pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 44,562
[ 'or' and 'ore', for example, are homonyms - different words with different spellings but which sound the same. 'analog' and 'analogue' are not homonyms, they are not different words, they are simply different ways of spelling the same word. Yes, 'analog' fits, but in my opinion it has already been posted, with its alternative spelling. I disagree with you on this point, but I will accept your ruling ]